Strengthening the bond between parent and the school in order to build a successful path for the child.

About Reentry Roads
Reentry Roads LLC began as a conversation in November 2021 while standing in line at the Toronto Pearson International Airport. Mary Hayes owner of Workbay, Jay Christensen a recently retired Warden of 32 years' service with Idaho DOC and Melissa Doramus a Camas County 5th Grade teacher with 20 years of service in education. This conversation then led to weekly meetings and sparked the development of a program designed concentrate on the children of absent parents due to incarceration or other reasons. This program will train how to and eventually reenter the child's life through support in the education of the child which can also strengthen family reunification when no longer absent. We later added a roadmap for correctional facilities and incarcerated veterans for developing a American Legion Post within the correctional facility. Workbay's platform with these programs and their already successful workforce readiness training has been named as one of the top 5 finalist in the Future Finders challenge by the US Department of Education.