Strengthening the bond between parent and the school in order to build a successful path for the child.

Frequently Asked Questions
How it works
Can anyone access the program?
Only members with Workbay program access will be on the platform. Teachers and educators of members children will also be given access to be included in parental communication as well as the ability to bring the parent in virtually to attend Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Is this available to anyone incarcerated or absent for other reasons?
Nearly every correctional facility (state and federal) and in some cases county as well, has some sort of tablet currently used for education, emails, video grams and in some rare cases are being used for visitation. If they do not have tablets, kiosks are normally available in common areas. These tablets would have the capability for adding workbay programs such as workforce readiness, GED courses, higher learning and soon to have Reentry Roads program to help your child succeed. Workbay is currently in 14 different facilities as well as soon to be implimented nationally in the BOP federal facilities. Parents absent for other reasons than incarceration can simply use a computer or cell phone.
How does it work?
Tablets will have an app that a chapter or class can be accesses that will later enable the parent to put to work what they have learned by connecting with the child to complete a homework assignment, talk about their day in school, attend a parent teacher conference, or play an educational game with their child.
What is the Costs for the program?
Reentry Roads is seeking funding through sources such as grants, contributions, contests and future advertising, these programs are intended to be delivered at no cost to the end user or the Correctional agencies.